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idLink ID Authentication Solution Offers

  • Tokenized ID to prevent identity theft

  • Only-of-its-kind in the world

  • Open Doors without Use of Any Physical Door Controllers

  • Patented Personalized virtual card in dynamic QR card enable visual security


This new IdlinkPlus set is an innovative standalone mobile access control system but operates smoothly at offline installation sites.  The system comes with three critical but easy-to-install elements:
1. Mobile App, available at Google Play store (and coming Apple Shop);
2. One Dynamic QR Code Reader; & 
3. One Secure Authenticator

The above video is a real case application of Party Room in Hong Kong.

The Authenticator is itself a push button in capacitive touch technology but it is also a digital hub provided with with linkage to other devices, for e.g. our IdlinkPlus reader and other door alarm sensors.

After a Host User purchases our Secure Authenticator Set, that use simply scan our QR code on the box set to complete the registration process.  Input necessary activitation code obtained after completion of registration in the IdlinkPlus mobile app downloaded from Google Play Store (and later Apple Shop), the app will then generate a Provisional QR Code.  Scan this Can against the reader in the set (after power-up).  The Host will then claim the ownership right.

With that right, this smart digital access set will generate a virtual key in a Dynamic QR Code which will change every 3 - 5 seconds so to let the Host User to open doors registered.  The whole application needs not rely on any traditional door access controllers and the local installation needs only power but not any network connection, totally offline.  

Guest Pass can also be sent through the Host's mobile app via social media network on phone.  No user information will ever be stored on the Authenticator and there's no limit on the number of users.

For more product and pricing information, please write to or  You can also WhatsApp to +85260716107.

YouTube Channel:

IdlinkPlus On-Premises Mobile Access Control - Standalone System Set

With Capability to Send Visitor Passes via Social Media on Mobile Phone

Cross-over between Guardforce AI and VRCN in rendering Visitor Authentication via Robot-as-a-Service

VRCN Ltd is pleased to release the first-of-its-kind API.  It empowers IT developers the capability to turn any IT devices with camera function into virtual readers which are able to authenticate secure mobile credential issued to visitors through its idLink cloud personalized e-Pass system.   Such devices could be mobile phones, tablets and of course robots as well, for example the Concierge Robot of Guardforce AI (GFAI).

While a personal identity can be accurately identified by scanning the e-Pass against common IT camera devices, time attendance data will be fed to the cloud system real time without any use of traditional physical door access controllers.  It’s an unprecedented visitor identification and time attendance system running without any traditional security hardware.

When applying in robotic operation, idLink’s API is able to augment an Android app running to add virtual card reading capability to the existing camera system in the robot.  Any visitor, who either receives prior invitation or registers ad hoc at the robot (or online / web) will receive an electronic message embedded with a UR Link.  

The visitor can simply click the URL and get the e-Pass running in the form of non-UID / non-CSN based dynamic QR code which changes coding every 5 seconds.  Scanning this e-Pass against the Robot’s camera is able to accredit the access authenticity to an event with time attendance recorded.

The idLInk cloud e-Pass solution rendered by VRCN Ltd and real time ID authentication platform is a good match to the robotic operation of Guardforce AI.  In fact, VRCN's system could also be integrated with Queue Management and other 3rd party digital applications via our another e-booking platform named  

This BooknMeet platform is to facilitate Zero-Manpower automatic activities booking and venue access management, for instance, booking of Club House Facilities / Activities, Party Room, Interest Class, Doctor Appointment, Gym Exercise Timeslot, etc.  After booking, guests or customers will be able to get the secure e-Pass on their mobile phones without installing any app and perform self-accreditation to access the activity venue, eliminating time-consuming queuing at the front desk.

Such seamless activities booking and guests venue access accreditation can be materialized without investing heavily to purchase and / or rebuild the existing access control system, simply order monthly subscription from us instead.  

On top of e-Pass authentication, the GFAI robot could also be showing scheduled or rolling advertisement too.

Visit our latest solution demonstration at our Booth D29 & D31, Hall 3 of the coming 3rd International Property Management Expo in the Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Centre.  The Expo is to be staged from Aug 30 – Sep 1, 2023.  For enquiries or further information, please write to us at or WhatsApp +85260716107.


RaaS (Robot-as-a-Service) Unmanned Visitor Management and Automatic Identity Authentication

A Cross-Over Business Project with the Nasdaq Listed Company, Guardforce AI

VIDEO DEMO:, the smart facilities and activities booking platform, offers unique event guests registration and self-accreditation for venue access with features as follows:
- Free design of the Event Page by the event organizer as the landing page in e-invitation;
- Send batch invitation to private guests with pre-set seating arrangement;
- Invitation comes with a URL which leads to the e-Pass running on browser on mobile;
- e-Pass appears as a dynamic QR code which keeps changing every 5 seconds to prevent copying;
- Accept public registration at the landing page; and
- enable last minute change of the seating arrangement and reflects real time in the e-Pass even a few minutes before the event starts.

It was used at Ageing Asia Awards Dinner in Singapore, and press conferences in Malaysia
Please contact Jack Wong at write to or WhatsApp +85260716107 ( for more information or cooperation.


BooknMeet Guests Accreditation System

Applicable in Seminars, Conferences, Press / Dinner / Banquet / Wedding Events

VIDEO DEMO:, the smart facilities and event booking e-platform empowered by the idLink virtual card cloud issuance engine of VRCN Ltd., was adopted in two events of 2023 World Ageing Festival to be staged in Singapore from May 23 - 25, the trade exhibition and the Awards Dinner.

The platform allows Interested parties to click events listed at BooknMeetnet  to perform visitor registration  Then, they'll get the invitation with a URL to obtain a Browser-Based Virtual Card (to be appeared in the form of a Dynamic QR Code changing every 5 seconds to prevent copying). Visitors are thenm able to do a quick self accreditation to enter the venue simply by scanning one's virtual card against any stand-up readers on-site without use of any physical door controllers.

Unlike traditional visitor management system, the novel BooknMeet e-Pass issuance and visitor accreditation system does not require any printed paper or card to make a visitor badge, nor any installation of physical controllers on-site to perform identity authentication is required. It is the only-of-its-kind to perform secure door access without any door controller in the world.

For any event organizers, business venue owners and entertainment operators (such as fitness clubs, party rooms and interest class, etc), who want to drastically reduce the administrative workload in booking and visitor accreditation, VRCN Ltd. would be most delighted to offer our partnership program to help out.  Contact us at  or WhatsApp +85260716107 ( for more details


BooknMeet Secure e-Pass Issuance & Unmanned Visitor Registration / Accreditation System

Applicable also in Club Facilities & Activities Booking by Members / Guests


Access control practice has never been so easy than before, yet more secure and cost could be easily 30% less than the conventional system...... VRCN Ltd. has developed a patented digital door-opening security solution based on our two core technology components:

1.  Cloud identity authentication mechanism as the virtual access controller; and use of 
2.  A personalized virtual card on mobile which is embedded with a non-UID credential in the form of  dynamic QR code changing every 5 seconds to combat copying of identity by any third party.  

The elimination of the expensive door controller hardware attributes to a simple access control system (ACS) architecture, resulting also an easier and more efficient turnstile operation with the following benefits:

No access controller board inside the turnstile saves all labour cost in tuning readers with software & PC.
-  Simple structure will have less cabling, thus less installation cost.  
-  All data communications amongst system components are AES 256 encrypted.
-  The 5-second changing QR Code combat copying of identity.
-  By use of the virtual card on mobile (or BYOD), the whole solution is also greener as 
    there’s no need to print any paper or plastic card.
-  Easy operation of unmanned Visitor Management and Accreditation because a visitor 
    can use the virtual card on mobile to perform self Identity Accreditation at the turnstile.

Under idLink's cloud system, the physical door controller board is not needed in the turnstile operation but only network readers.  Anti-passback function can be easily assigned over cloud and implemented because all readers are now connected to the same network.  This is not possible in traditional ACS practice.  

Furthermore, the cloud network nature of idLink ACS always reflect real time monitoring of the access control status.  Yet, in the traditional practice, each controller can hook up with a limited number of readers only and all controllers are then linked with serial connection.  Under such circumstances, additional steps of data communications among controllers are a must, making real time monitoring impossible and delay in overall data synchronization, affecting the turnstile's operational performance.

Adopting icLink's cloud access control system, users are able to use idLink's latest Browser Based  Dynamic QR Code with the complementary use of One Time Password (OTP).  Whenever anyone who tries to transfer the identity or copy that identity, the action will trigger OTP operation in idLink for identity verification.  

All these outstanding features combat identity theft and make tailgating totally impossible in an automated operational mode.

For Video Demo, please visit
For Download of full document, please click the picture and download pdf.

Demo & Quote
Please write to if you want to arrange a demo or request a quotation.

Green Turnstile Operation with Use of idLink Readers and Dynamic QR Code

And the Option to Implement Anti-Passback

VIDEO DEMO - Primary Edition:
VIDEO DEMO - Business Edition:

No more trouble on pin / password management, no more lost cards and no more expensive hardware...... All you need is to open an idLink Access Control Cloud User Account!

VRCN's patented cloud door-opening and time attendance system of VRCN is empowered by the un-precedented use of cloud ID authentication mechanism instead of a physical controller on-site; a mobile app in dynamic QR code replacing pin, card or biometrics.  The whole system makes cost cheaper, installation a lot easier and integration into other IoT or smart city system more flexible.

In the past SME door access operation relies mostly on keypad standalone reader; the idLink's cloud access control solution of Primary Edition package enables management to issue, just by a few clicks on cloud, different virtual cards in dynamic QR code to staff which combats card coping.  The management can also get all door access records of all staff by simply logging onto the company's cloud account.

For more sophisticated access control operation, companies could open an idLInk cloud account of the Business Edition. Thee  Merchant Cloud Account there comes with more functions such as below:
* Log in by PC or Mac any time anywhere for setting up
* Issue Personalized Picture Virtual Cards to users or staff over-the-air
* Issue Temporary Pass (in RFID card / Virtual Card) to short-term visitors
* Assign and configure readers to specific doors accordingly
* All readers are connected in one cloud network (without use of any physical door-controllers)
* Set up Door Access Schedules for staff, users and users
* Set up Time Attendance Schedules for staff and users
* Generate access control time log and time attendance reports down to department and  individual level
* Enable Anti-passback function if needed

Access control practice has never been so easy and more cost-effective than before, yet more secure.

For Video Demo of the Primary Edition, please visit and contact us at for quotation.  The equipment cost is guaranteed lower than the conventional standard practice.

For Video Demo of the Business Edition of basic features, please visit and feel free to contact us at to get more information on features and arrangement of full demo.

To understand more about the concept of business idea of idLink cloud access control system, please click the above picture and download the pdf document.

Demo & Quote
Please write to if you want to arrange a demo or request a quotation.

Handy SME Access Control System Packages - Simply Cheaper and More Secure

idLink Opens Doors Without Any Need of Physical Door Controllers - Primary & Business Editions


idLink Cloud Access Control System (ACS) is using non-UID credential embedded in a Dynamic QR Code which keeps changing every 5 seconds to prevent identity theft by any 3rd party (video demo available at  More importantly, the system is able to meet new considerations in nowadays' Digital Connected World and is especially fitted for the following scenarios:

1. When there are limited numbers of hardware but need to handle a large dynamic group of users 
* For e.g. there are different groups of taskforce in one system (Need Group Anti-Passback function)
* Need to change the access right and schedule frequently
* Run access log record / monthly report / target report of a specific person
* To handle in complementary use of Digital membership, Visitor Management & e-Ticketing

2. Use of Personalized Picture Virtual Card on Mobile as future Digital Membership card & Access Control;
* Personal photo is uploaded on cloud backend and displayed on idLink's virtual card on mobile
* Other information such as Name and Membership Number, etc could be listed
* Save the need to run a separate server on membership / visitor management;
* Mobile credential reusable but only work in one mobile phone
* Enanle use of  Mifare card as temporary pass to courier or delivery people

3.  Need Facilities Booking and Integration with other digital system such as CRM, Payment, e-booking, etc.
* Manage booking of meeting rooms in co-work space or club house recreational activities
* Integrate time attendance to with CRM system for calculating of cost and membership benefits
* Un-manned facilities booking so that a user can book a venue / ticket online,  select the time range,  pay online on the same platform and download Mobile Pass for automatic check-in by self-authentication.

idLink ACS becomes an integral part of the operation that will render a seamless user experience in door access, facilities booking and fully automatic visitor accreditation to booked venues / activities.

Click the above picture and download the document outlining idLink business idea and illustration examples to show our system advantage over conventional practice.

Demo & Quote
Please write to if you want to arrange a demo or request a quotation.

Empower Security System to Meet New Considerations of Nowadays Digital World

Facilitate Easy Digital Migration of the Security System and Integrate with other Smart Applications

VRCN Limited

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+852 26678100

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